
Thursday, October 13, 2011

Noetix: Manually Enabling Incremental Refresh in PL/SQL

Turning on Incremental Refreshing of Key Flex Field (KFF) data in Noetix.

This blog post covers turning on the Incremental Refresh "manually". Noetix provide a Concurrent Request that you can run what will work in almost all circumstances - unfortunately our site was one where it wouldn't run due to a independent value set that should have had some values in being empty.

NOTE: You *must* have initialised the APPS environment (calling APPS.FND_GLOBAL.APPS_INITIALIZE) in order for this to work. See Initialising the APPS Environment for my blog post giving instructions on how to do this in PL/SQL.

Executing the following SQL with turn on the incremental refresh;

  v_error_buf   varchar2(2048);
  v_Return_code number;
  noetix_sys.n_gseg_utility_pkg.enbl_incr(o_error_buf   => v_error_buf,
                                          o_return_code => v_return_code,
                                          i_flex_code   => 'ALL');

This code needs to be run as the APPS user (after ensuring that this user is GRANTed permission to EXECUTE the n_gseq_utility_pkg package).

To check incremental refresh has been successfully enabled (there is absolutely no output from this call - very poor!) you need to query the triggers on the APPS tables that populate the KFF data and check to see if the triggers are enabled or not.

You can also log into Oracle e-Business Suite as the XXNAO user and check to see if the concurrent requests have run.

If the triggers have been enabled then you're in business - otherwise you'll need to, in the first instance, check the logs of the concurrent requests it schedules and if this doesn't work you'll then need to open the package in an editor and add DBMS_OUTPUT lines to echo the output to the screen so you can properly see what is going on.

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