
Friday, August 5, 2011

SharePoint: Create a Document Library for a Specific Content Type in SharePoint 2007

This blog post gives a few simple instructions on how to work with Document Libraries and Content Types. As an example this post shows you how to create a new document library just for "Report Data Source" objects from SQL Server Reporting Services.

Navigate to your site and select "View All Site Content";

Then select the "Create" button (centre of the above image);

Select "Document Library" (highlighted above);

Enter the details for your new document library.

NOTE: "Document Template" at the bottom right. Unless it will benefit all your users to have a default document type I'd be tempted to (and usually do) change this to "None".

After the details have been entered click "Create";

Now we've got the document library use the "Settings" drop down and click "Document Library Properties";

Click on "Advanced Settings " (under "General Settings" - on the middle left);

The top item is "Content Types" and this will initially be set to "No". Change this to "Yes" and then click "OK";

A new section "Content Types" has now appeared. The only available content type as the moment is "Document". Click "Add from existing site content types";

Select the content type you wish to add in the list and move it into the "Content types to add" list. Then click "OK";

As you can now see we have two content types listed; Document and Report Data Source. Click on "Document";

Click on "Delete this content type" (under "Settings" in the middle section);

Click "OK";

You are now left with the single content type for your document library (it has automatically been made the default).

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